Remember Harry Taylor?
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Well, he's running for Congress. From my email today....
18 months ago I stood in an auditorium in Charlotte, NC, and had the opportunity to speak candidly and directly to President Bush. I could never have dreamed of the reaction it created.
Almost immediately the website thankyouharrytaylor was established where you joined thousands of people across the United States, and indeed the world, to thank me for standing up and being honest with our President. I was deeply moved that you took the time to be a part of this, but more importantly, to know that you stood with me that day.
I am not a politician, nor have I ever sought to become one. But now, I am so seriously concerned about what is happening to our beloved America, I have decided to run for the U.S. Congress.
We face a very divisive partisan incumbent who has been a rubber stamp for Bush's policies on such issues as Iraq and children's health care. Success will take enormous effort, and I cannot do it alone. Simply and honestly--I need your help!
I am asking for your contribution to help us take back America. Any amount would be greatly appreciated—$10, $25, $100 . . . whatever feels right to you. More importantly, will you circulate this appeal among your family and friends and ask them to do the same?
To join our campaign simply click on the link below, or visit:
Harry Taylor For Congress

Well, he's running for Congress. From my email today....
18 months ago I stood in an auditorium in Charlotte, NC, and had the opportunity to speak candidly and directly to President Bush. I could never have dreamed of the reaction it created.
Almost immediately the website thankyouharrytaylor was established where you joined thousands of people across the United States, and indeed the world, to thank me for standing up and being honest with our President. I was deeply moved that you took the time to be a part of this, but more importantly, to know that you stood with me that day.
I am not a politician, nor have I ever sought to become one. But now, I am so seriously concerned about what is happening to our beloved America, I have decided to run for the U.S. Congress.
We face a very divisive partisan incumbent who has been a rubber stamp for Bush's policies on such issues as Iraq and children's health care. Success will take enormous effort, and I cannot do it alone. Simply and honestly--I need your help!
I am asking for your contribution to help us take back America. Any amount would be greatly appreciated—$10, $25, $100 . . . whatever feels right to you. More importantly, will you circulate this appeal among your family and friends and ask them to do the same?
To join our campaign simply click on the link below, or visit:
Harry Taylor For Congress
YB -- you've been blogging on your own blog on a more regular basis -- reason to stop back more regularly. And, no, I hadn't heard of Harry Taylor running for Congress. (And you posted that in October.) Did you check out his site? I guess I will have to!
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