Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Justice Is Over!

Clinton, Hillary Rodham (D-NY)Dayton, Mark (D-MN)Dodd, Christopher J. (D-CT)
Durbin, Richard (D-IL)Feingold, Russell D. (D-WI)Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)
Jeffords, James M. (I-VT)Kennedy, Edward M. (D-MA)Kerry, John F. (D-MA)Lautenberg,Frank R. (D-NJ)Leahy, Patrick J. (D-VT)Levin, Carl (D-MI)Menendez, Robert (D-NJ)Mikulski,Barbara A. (D-MD)Murray, Patty (D-WA)Obama, Barack (D-IL)Reed, Jack(D-RI)Reid, Harry (D-NV)Sarbanes, Paul S. (D-MD)Schumer, Charles E. (D-NY)Stabenow, Debbie (D-MI)Wyden, Ron (D-OR)
Thank these Senators for voting Yes for the Filibuster!
Tip O' the hat to Tennessee Guerilla Women
Monday, January 30, 2006
Army forces 50,000 soldiers into extended duty

The Lost Children
By Bob Herbert from The New York Times
The times — as a fellow named Dylan sang more than 40 years ago — they are a-changin'. This time it's not the emergence of the tie-dyed 60's and the flowering of the boomer generation. But the changes are at least as fundamental. Continue reading here...

Message to Democrats
It’s the pre-war lying and half-truths, stupid
By John R. Bomar
The one thing Americans will not tolerate is being lied to. Conscious, clever and cunning lies from a President and his administration are an abomination to America’s concept of a free and open government of and by the people. Continue reading here...
By John R. Bomar

A False Balance
By Paul Krugman from The New York Times
"How does one report the facts," asked Rob Corddry on "The Daily Show," "when the facts themselves are biased?" He explained to Jon Stewart, who played straight man, that "facts in Iraq have an anti-Bush agenda," and therefore can't be reported. Continue reading here...

1/4 of AIDS Grants Go to Religious Groups

Sunday, January 29, 2006
The Young Turks Filibuster Show!

Alert!! Alito Filibuster Gaining Momentum!
Courtesy of Tennessee Guerilla Women
Spies, Lies and Wiretaps
Editorial from The New York Times
A bit over a week ago, President Bush and his men promised to provide the legal, constitutional and moral justifications for the sort of warrantless spying on Americans that has been illegal for nearly 30 years. Continue reading here...

Thank You American Media!
You're doing one HELL of a public service by saving the Right Wing Christ-o-Fascist Zombie Brigade's Agenda!
CNN:Kerry's call for a filibuster of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.'s nomination to the Supreme Court reinforced the "elitist" label given to Kerry by the GOP during the 2004 presidential campaign because he made the statement from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
I implore everyone to kill your God-Damned television!

I implore everyone to kill your God-Damned television!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
The Catastrophe Is Not Over
By Jennifer Moses from the Washington Post
While the rest of the country wakes up in the morning to read about the latest round of Washington scandals, the misery in Louisiana continues unabated. Continue reading here...

Bolivia's Leader Cuts His Pay to Hire Teachers
And our media and our Government calls them left wing wackos!
New Bolivian President Evo Morales has cut his salary by more than half and declared that no Cabinet minister can earn more than him, with the savings to be used to hire more teachers. Related: Morales selects a coca grower to head the fight against drug trafficking.

How Do You Like Your Democracy Now, Mr. Bush?

Friday, January 27, 2006
Using Our Fear
By Eugene Robinson from the Washington Post
Once upon a time we had a great wartime president who told Americans they had nothing to fear but fear itself. Now we have George W. Bush, who uses fear as a tool of executive power and as a political weapon against his opponents. Continue reading here...

Kerry Calls For Filibuster of Alito!

Health Care Confidential
By Paul Krugman from The New York Times
American health care is desperately in need of reform. But what form should change take? Are there any useful examples we can turn to for guidance? Continue reading here...

State of the Union
By Thomas L. Friedman from The New York Times
On Tuesday President Bush will deliver his State of the Union and map out priorities for his last three years. The direction in which America needs to go is obvious: toward energy independence. Continue reading here...

A Reading From 1984 from Mike Malloy

Our Leaders Are Feeding Us Propaganda
by Molly Ivins
We live in interesting times, we do, we do. We can read in our daily newspapers that our government is about to launch a three-day propaganda blitz to convince us all that its secret program to spy on us is something we really want and need. Continue reading here...

Above Reproach

Hamas Wins Big in Palestinian Elections
Thanks for trying to spread your form of Democracy George!
The radical Islamic group Hamas won 76 seats in voting for the first Palestinian parliament in a decade, election officials announced Thursday evening.
Related: Nevermind Democracy George Bush Wants Abbas to Remain Palestinian Leader

Related: Nevermind Democracy George Bush Wants Abbas to Remain Palestinian Leader
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Rumsfeld: Army Not 'Broken'

Related: From Morning Sedition- The War On Brains with Mort Milfington discussing Rumsfeld "He's an Army Man!"
Listen to the Funny!! click on link..
A President Who Can Do No Right
By Bob Herbert from The New York Times
We should be used to it by now. There are a couple of Congressional committees trying to investigate the tragic Hurricane Katrina debacle, but the Bush administration is refusing to turn over certain documents...Continue Reading here...

Granny D!

Tip O' the Hat to Freeway Blogger
Baby Steps Forward, 2,000 Giant Leaps Back
Va. Senate Passes Gay Marriage Ban
"The only place in the constitution to put this is in the Bill of Rights," said Sen. Stephen D. Newman (R-Lynchburg). "There is currently no right in the United States or certainly not in Virginia, for anything other than a marriage between one man and one woman."

US to release five female prisoners in Iraq
It's about freakin' time!
A US military spokesman in Baghdad confirmed Wednesday statements by Iraq Justice Ministry officials who said five women detainees are scheduled to be released Thursday. The US says it does not negotiate with kidnappers. The US says it does not negotiate with kidnappers. The US says it does not negotiate with kidnappers.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Sentence in Death Of Iraqi Angers Son

The Conservatives Are Crazy!
Conservative Drops Offer of $100 Bounty at UCLA
The conservative activist who is waging a campaign against what he contends are UCLA's "radical professors" Monday withdrew his offer to pay students bounties of up to $100 per class to provide information about their teachers. But he pledged to continue his effort with unpaid volunteers.

Delusion and Illusion Worthy of Dickens
By Maureen Dowd from The New York Times
The Democrats will never win the White House as long as they're stuck in Bleak House. They're slipping and sliding in the same crust-upon-crust of mud and caboose-creeping fog and soft black drizzle and flakes of soot that blacken the chamber of law in the opening of the terrific Dickens novel. Continue reading here...

Bush on Wiretap from Mike Malloy
Click on links to hear the sound bytes
Intro Freakin' Liar
Bush's Ideology Free Speech Our "Custom" Bush on Wiretap
Where are the phone calls coming from again?

Bush's Ideology Free Speech Our "Custom" Bush on Wiretap
Where are the phone calls coming from again?
Mr. President, Have You Read This? Amendment IV

Judge Sends War Protester to Prison for Six Months

Being there
By Dr. John R. Bomar a decorated and disabled veteran of the war in Vietnam
When you’re a soldier in an Army of occupation in a hostile land it’s open season on you’re a** every minute of every day and night. And hunting season is always open – it doesn’t ever close. Continue reading here...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Still No Word

Monday, January 23, 2006
Judge Alito's Radical Views

Bolivia's new leader vows change